Route Planner

Customize Your Route Easy & Fast

A More Flexible, More Intuitive, and Safer Way

to Plan Your Next Adventure

Have It Your Way

Customize How You Want to Explore

Plan your next adventure the way you want, never having to search for the right GPX file or reference from multiple ones.
Fast and Easy

All the Data You Need Is Here

Get automatically calculated distance, estimated time, and elevation change of your planned route within seconds. Know the route before you set out.
Be Better Prepared

Route Difficulty Level Calculated for You*

Not sure if your planned route is too difficult? Input your body weight and pack weight, and see the fitness level requirement for the route. Quick tip: you can select from saved gear list to apply pack weight with more precision.
* Only fitness level is calculated. It is advised to take other factors into consideration, such as weather, terrain, etc.
Ready Anytime

Apply over Hundreds of Templates

Select from over hundreds of curated templates that cover all of Taiwan's 100 peaks (normal routes), as well as popular routes throught Taiwan and East Asia.

Tailored for Your Needs

  • Outdoor Enthusiast
    If you love the outdoors and always want to spend more time exploring, this is for you! Use the Route Planner to save your time in planning, and get all the essential information you need before setting out.
  • Mountain Guide
    Are you in charge of drawing out the plan for your group? Use the Route Planner to customize routes, and share them easily with your group with one quick link.
  • Aspiring Beginner
    Are you trying to plan your first route? Start from the templates and obtain correct route info to give you a good and safe start.

Endorsed by Outdoor Lovers

  • 戶外旅遊部落客
    山女孩 Melissa x Mao 冒險生活
  • 山系戶外部落客
    M'wilder Couple 山系卡波
    登山界的 Google Map!客製化路線萬歲!
  • 登山健行 Youtuber
  • 山野玩家
    李瑞克 v.Trekker
  • 科學與文史登山記錄家

Have Qestions about Route Planner? We Have Answers.

You can use the full range of Route Planner along with 10+ exclusive Pro features after you upgrade to a Pro membership.

You can try Pro for free for 7 days in the app. Each Apple ID / Google ID account has a free trial limit of one time. Free trial is not supported on website yet. If you have any questions, please contact us: [email protected]

Yes, Route Planner requires data connection to work properly. For best practice, we suggest downloading your saved routes to the app, so that you can check it anytime, even when offline.

Unfortunately no, since all data in the Route Planner comes from globally maintained route database. Only routes that are properly drawn on the map can be routed.

You can share a direct link to your route after you save it. Anyone with the link will be able to view the route details (view only).

Upgrade to Hikingbook Pro and Start Planning Your Next Adventure Now!